About Dale Morris

A little bit about many of the digital paintings. In the past I created sculptures utilizing found objects. Since then, without a proper sculpture studio I conceived the approach adding it to two dimenional art. Many of the digital paintings are created using found objects on the internet. Photographs are, in actuality objects also. I would conceptualize the works, often series, then search for the right objects.
The photos are either from creative commons, several sites that offer professional photos without licensing them. And additionally I also used licensed works. This is to not infinge on any copyrighted works. These are not collages. they are intentional depictions of various concepts. The other works are either oils, oil bars, or acrylic paints.
Raised in California my passion for making art came early. My father was also an artist. It would seem it was in the DNA. I started figure drawing at the age of seven, with my father as my teacher. Then i was facinated with pen and inks.
I attended Kent State majoring in studio art. It became apparent that I was not a fan of their studio spaces. There were other reasons for transferring schools too. This prompted me to transfer to Denison University. The art department was top level and felt as if it was more like attending masters level courses. This was in 1990 - 1985.
Since graduating I veered into graphic design eventually starting my own Website and IT consulting business. I still did art as well and eventually when I closed the L.L.C. I took up my art full time again.
I now live in Cleveland, Ohio and am in the process of acquiring some studio space to revist my sculpting.
The digital works were made to be printed in limited editions. Their size can vary as they can be reduced or enlargee to suit any clients needs. The master copies are often quite large. Some up to several gigabytes. This allows for scaling without losing quality.
I do everthing from landscapes, abstract, minimal, and conceptual art. It all depends on the initial concept that comes to me seemingly from a source of another dimension, phenomologicaly speaking.
I've sold works primarily from my studios. I have yet to work with a gallery. That is in the works.
I hope that a work or two, or even some reonate with you.
D Julian Morris